Thursday, April 1, 2010


What is a measure of success? now! I’m going to have a cup of coffee, hopefully in my coffee session I might just get a “light bulb moment” and answer the mentioned question. Rather let me give you my understanding of success, or what people mean when they talk about measure of success. If you ask anyone right now what it is? They’ll most probably not give you a definite answer. And I, find it very disturbing that society does not think about such life changing questions, asking yourself the question is far more important than the answer you’ll get. It’s a journey you’ll go through trying get the answer, and that’s when you realise the answer lies in asking the question which will lead to more questions. Whenever you’re with friends randomly ask them what is a Measure of success? Most of them will have an answer immediately, and their answer will have key words like I’m happy where I am or have a job the answer will be about now! I call it short term happiness. Anyway recently I was with friends well some I still value their authentic friendship, and that is another subject I will dwell into soon, so we chatting about friends we haven’t seen for years, what are they doing with their lives a etc. While conversing with them I realize we all have our own interpretation of success, and at that moment I was almost getting close to my definition, then one of them questioned one of our friends achievement thus far in life. And I mean career, finances you know social status related success, no one is in a position to make their own success as a bench mark for everyone else. That’s my position and i stand by it. Okay! Let’s address this social status success thing, let’s say I had a friend who’s a construction worker and I’m partner in a law firm, from the outside, one will assume I’m successful and he’s not. But I might be envious of him because he’s more fulfilled in life than I am, he’s content. Anyway that is an example of how we measure success. What is the measure of success? The answer can be simple if you inclined to a philosophical way of thinking; success is different for everyone; its doing and getting you want. But some haven’t asked themselves that question and that’s why in most cases they don’t know their own success. Its very important as a human race to ask our selves what is our personal measure of success, and its okay if you figure that out through someone’s else success, you will be inspired to have the courage to find your own measure. So fellow readers, what is you measure of success?

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