Friday, January 22, 2010

Who’s Evans Mathibe?

Asking who am I is like asking what’s the meaning of life? Why are we here? Rather, for now let me say I know my purpose but I rather say I know my calling in life. Which is a large part of me and the other is the guy who was raised a certain way, not necessarily unique or special for that matter but how my parents raised me which is their outlook on the world and the community I lived influenced and shaped my upbringing. My calling is Artistic to be more specific a theatre and film writer, producer and director. Unfortunately I realized later when I was in Grade 12 that my calling is in the showbiz industry, when I say I realized later is cause I would have preferred if I knew when I was still in Grade 8 and that will have given me more time to develop and master my craft. And that offcourse would have given me more time to achieve a lot, you know having age on my side. So like everyone who claims to know their purpose or calling, they wake up every day pursuing that them reason to live, I’m one of them. Now there’s Evans Mathibe the social guy whose half introvert and half extrovert, so depending on how I feel and the environment I could be one of the two but never both at the same time. Very emotionally sensitive guy and no I’m not metrosexual it’s a genetic thing, it’s a weakness for me that I have embraced as one o f my strong attributes. Well most times when I’m asked who am I I just say I’m a Scorpio just to sum up the kind of person I am, also because I believe astrology has a lot of truth in it and how they describe people like us who are born a certain time in the year is quite accurate. It leads me to religion, culture or following a certain doctrine, luckily I have been around people who have different point of views. I believe there’s a lager force than us, some call it God, Allah and etc….well I use the word God, but I’m not restricted to the Christian doctrine, I more spiritually inclined. Any way that I feel works for me to connect with God and feed myself spiritually I will surely entertain it. So you “see” what I say asking who am I is like asking the meaning of life. The best way to know who Evans Mathibe is, is to ask me, communicate with me on every level, but bear in mind you won’t get a straight answer but it will be more of a journey and the destination is unknown. So who are you?.........